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4.1.08 dev cycle

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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #19643 par celio
Réponse de celio sur le sujet 4.1.08 dev cycle
et le rapport de bug

invalid command name ".dynBottom4Device.sa.tbl.body.frm_k0,1.w.g.c.c"
invalid command name ".dynBottom4Device.sa.tbl.body.frm_k0,1.w.g.c.c"
while executing
"$coarse itemconfigure $localxElt(coarse,$def,$channel) -text $locCoarse"
(procedure "uniDeviceLiveDispatch" line 54)
invoked from within
"uniDeviceLiveDispatch $namespace $channel $ens"
(procedure "deviceLIveDispatchLevels" line 12)
invoked from within
"deviceLIveDispatchLevels DynamicBottomLive 1 {{ZOOM {0 0 HOME4Devices 0 {}}} {FOCUS {0 0 HOME4Devices 0 {}}} {IRIS {0 0 HOME4Devices 0 {}}}}"
("after" script)

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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #19644 par sl1200mk2
Réponse de sl1200mk2 sur le sujet 4.1.08 dev cycle
ok, je corrige... ça fait pareil ici



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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #19645 par sl1200mk2
Réponse de sl1200mk2 sur le sujet 4.1.08 dev cycle
c'est bon c'est fixé :)



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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #19646 par SoundSurfer
Réponse de SoundSurfer sur le sujet 4.1.08 dev cycle

leoclarys écrit: Salut Nico,

J'utilise le Park pour des switch ON/OFF de mes Varilite, c'est très pratique mais:
-ils se coupent si j'utilise le blackout
-ils ne s'enregistrent pas avec la mémoire.

Aussi, est-ce que le PARK est bien exclu de la Balance?

Au niveau de la balance, elle ne s'applique pas à tout mais j'arrive pas bien à savoir comment. J'ai l'impression qu'elle ne s'applique pas à tous les univers.


Instead of the park, you can use the curve to keep them at a certain level, then the blackout does not apply.

have fun,


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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #19647 par sl1200mk2
Réponse de sl1200mk2 sur le sujet 4.1.08 dev cycle
with park it's easier, you set devices/whatever to desired state then store them in park :)
it's quick and easy :)

what do you think about the park and the blackOut? (should all parked stuff must be modified or unModified by the blackout)




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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #19648 par SoundSurfer
Réponse de SoundSurfer sur le sujet 4.1.08 dev cycle
I know you stand by the "blackout is master", and I agree, but I think the blackout is for channels, and the park function is for dimmers. For instance, as I am touring with a conventional lighting show, so when I encounter a theatre with LED lights I would use the Park to set the Zoom, Shutter and some times even XY positions of movingheads, in order to use them as conventional lights.

(running catalina)
I can't get the park function to work, in a similar way I enter numbers in all the other windows (type number and then double click to the desired place). So either i'd like it to react to selecting and scrolling like in the channel window, or the way mentioned above.

Also it'd be great if there is a 'live' box so you can see in realtime what you're doing.
what is the purpose of the 'available' box? something we can automate in a scene?
can we see the channels that are parked in the channel window? or in the patch window?

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