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D::Light v4


  • Chaser:

-one can now use SPEED Submasters to gain more fine controls on Chaser restitution (ClockWise way, CounterClockWise way, Random way)


-Il est dorénavant possible de controler le sens de défilement des Chasers, soit dans le sens horaire (normal... CWise) soit dans le sens anti horaire (du dernier step vers le premier ... CCWise) soit en mode aléatoire (Random).

Pour accéder à ces controles il suffit de définir un Submaster comme SPEED d'un Chaser et en lieu et place du texte associé au Sub se trouve le PlayMode.

  • Clone:

-one can now set desire objects number while cloning (available for Cue, Group, Chaser, Sample, Palette, microPalette) // Il est dorénavant possible de choisir lors d'un clone d'objet le numéro de l'objet cloné (valable pour les objets Cue, Group, Chaser, Sample, Palette, microPalette)

  • Freeze:

-Frozen step is now coloured // A l'appel de la fonction Freeze, le step en SCENE devient coloré pour une meilleure identification

4.0.30 [20190314]

  • Objects Listings:

-one can now sort (or reorder) objects in Cue/Group/Chaser/Sample/Palette/microPalette Listings // nouvelle commande pour re-numéroter les objects dans les différents listing

-new 'reOrder' shortcut // également un nouveau raccourci clavier 'reOrder'

  • Submasters:

-new state for Solo function (we now got NORMAL/SOLO/FLASHSOLO/NOSOLO) // ajout d'une nouvelle fonctionnalité pour le SOLO des Submasters.

les différents états sont:

    • NORMAL : rien de particulier
    • SOLO (vert) : en fonction de l'ouverture du Submaster les autres Submasters (ceux qui ne sont pas en SOLO ou NOSOLO) se coupent
    • FLASHSOLO (jaune) : lors de l'appui sur le bouton FLASH du Submaster, les autres Submasters (ceux qui ne sont pas en SOLO ou NOSOLO) se coupent
    • NOSOLO (rouge) : le Submaster ne se coupe pas lors de l'action d'autres Submasters en mode SOLO ou FLASHSOLO


4.0.29 [20190226]

  • General:

-Balance function for channels is now dynamic // amélioration de la fonction Balance pour les circuits.

Lorsque la fonction Balance est activée (qui permet d'isoler le(s) circuit(s) sélectionné(s)), si la sélection de circuit change, la Balance est updatée

  • OSC:

-new /shortcut command which accepts string as argument // nouvelle commande /shortcut pour simuler un raccourci clavier.

Cette commande accepte une 'string' comme argument.

Par exemple '/shortcut p' va changer le registre de travail actif.

  • Track:

-one can now track Palette across sequence // il est dorénavant possible de tracker les Palettes chargées dans le séquentiel (via les DeviceLinks)

  • Device:

-more integration

  • DeviceLinks:

-Purge menu redefined // extension du menu Purge des DeviceLink.

Il est dorénavant possible de purger un Paramètre ou tous les paramètres d'un attribut pour un DeviceLink en un coup

  • DeviceCommand:

-new Live bound which display levels form palettes loaded in SubMasters // nouveau mode Live pour le DeviceCommand

en mode Live, le DeviceCommand affiche les niveaux des paramètres des devices qui sont pilotés par des palettes chargées dans les submasters

4.0.28 [20190118]

  • Submaster:

-improve Submasters Solo mode // amélioration du mode Solo pour les Submasters.

dorénavant le mode solo n'est plus réservé aux Flash, il est également accessible pendant le scroll des Submasters.

-Balance do not kill 'E' (aka Exclusion) Submasters // les 'E' (comme Exclusion) Submasters ne sont plus remis à zéro en cas de Balance

  • Group:

-enhance popUp dialog // amélioration de la fenêtre popUp d'enregistrement des Groupes.

Lors de l'enregistrement d'un Groupe une fenêtre popUp s'ouvre où vous pouvez directement renseigner le nom du nouveau Groupe.

  • MasterLink:

-improve MasterLink behavior (follow step +/-) // Les MasterLinks suivent la séquence pour les commandes step +/-

-improve MasterLink editor Submaster's selection/registration // amélioration de la sélection/enregistrement des Submasters dans l'éditeur de MasterLink.

vous pouvez dorénavant sélectionner les Submasters à enregistrer dans les MLinks de la même manière que la sélection de circuits dans la fenêtre principale.

4.0.26 [20181214]

  • Patch:

-'Enter' key can now be used to select either channels or outputs. CommandLine is used for sourcing.

  • Main Window:

-'Enter' key can now be used to select channels. CommandLine is used for sourcing.

-new 'DynamicBottom' display for Device's selection.

  • Sequence:

-one can now register/insert cueless step. Such steps are useful to trigger D/M/S Links.

  • SubMasters:

-new 'Looping Style' options for SubMasters loaded with Sample. one can select if levels are persistent after each loop or reseted.

  • SetUp:

-one can now choose if SOLO mode for SubMasters also behave on Scene levels.

-one can choose colours for Scene/Prepa registers

  • SetUp I/O:

-one can now choose DMX input frame length.

  • DeviceLink:

- one can now trigger MoveInBlack in one click for all listed Devices of each steps

  • TimeLink:

-new 'Quick Selection' option to selected each identical parameters

  • Midi:

-one can now use NOTE and PROGRAM CHANGE to trigger defined shortcuts

  • OSC:

-new command which allow to control parameters of selected devices (range is -1.0 <= x.xx <= 1.0):


4.0.24 [20181004]

4.0.23 [20181002]

  • menu Accelerators :

-accelerators for MLink, TLink, DLink, SLink have changed (respectively Shift+Meta+w, Shift+Meta+x, Shift+Meta+y, Shift+Meta+z)

  • Sample :

-faster encoder/decoder

  • VLC :

-D::Light can now trigger VLC's playlist [1].

  • SubMasters :

-VLC volume, DMX Input and OSC Input can be assigned to a regular SubMaster.

  • palette Editor :

-Live functionality added

  • palette Listing :

-new 'ALL' selector to display every recorded palette for selected channels

  • OLA server :

-bumped to 0.10.7

  • MacOS :

-MacOS 10.14 compatibility


4.0.22 [20180718]

  • General:

-last active step is recorded within the .sho, thus in case of crash or backup loading, last recorded step is set as the active step


-added more widget /*NODLE U1*/ /*FX5*/ /*Digital Enlightenment*/ /*anyma*/ /*avldiy*/ /*Eurolite*/

(untested though....)

  • DeviceLink:

-more powerful selection capabilities.

one can now select several cells in DeviceLink Editor and apply chosen palette to all of them

-MoveInBlack option editable for channels listed in the DeviceLink Editor

  • Curves:

-new 'Square' interpolator (aka 'Square Law' curves)

++fixes and optimizations

4.0.21 [20180705]

  • DeviceListing:

-one can now 'shiftPAN' and 'shiftTILT' devices

  • StepLinks:

-one can choose to which destination OSC messages are sent (aka 'All Destinations' or specific IP:PORT)

  • General:

-fixes and optimizations

4.0.20 [20180615]

  • Palette:

-Palette are now applied according to a user defined time (time is defined in SETUP)

-new Shift+CMD+P shortcut to display 'Palette Listing'

  • Virtual Submaster:

-a new virtual submaster is available in SETUP I/O/OSC which can handle all incoming /circ/x/level OSC messages.

-a new virtual submaster is available in SETUP I/O/DMX Utility which can handle all incoming DMX levels.

  • Submaster:

-one can now colorize each Submaster (and it's levels in Output)

  • Accelerator:

-new accelerators are available in Cue/Group/Chaser/Sample Editors

  • Track:

-better MLink support

4.0.19 [20180515]

  • Sample:

-fix wrong device restitution under certain circumstances

  • Sequence:

-new accelerator shortcut (CMD+R) in order to load selected step in active register

-Cue names are now displayed in the big sequence window

-one can now drag'n drop step(s) in order to reorganize the sequence

-fix XFade wrong behavior

  • General:

-in case of weird shutdown (crash....), D::Light now ask if user wanna use the backup.

  • OSC:

-re-writting of OSC messaging system in favor of mono-argumentation (thus, touchOSC become usable again)

-new syntax for Devices (cf

-old syntax (aka multi-argumentation) is still available thanks to a new switch in setupIO/OSC menu (Messaging argumentation type)

  • Track:

- one can now track/update/create/delete Masterlinks from the Track window

- better tracking for duplicate values

- one can now use 'All' shortcut to select all displayed levels for selected channels

  • SplashScreen:

-new initialization process which lead to a new splashscreen

  • MasterLinks:

-MLink are now ordered, it means they will be launched in their creation order (one can drag'n drop them to change this order)

-new insert MLink button (+shortcuts) in the editor

-new drag'n drop function to graphically move MLinks


-D::Light now support HotPLug for usbDMX widgets :) only on macOS and Linux :(

it means one can unplug/replug a usbDMX device, if the widget was previously active, D::Light will manage automatically the re-connection.

  • StepLinks :

-SLink are now ordered, it means they will be launched in their creation order (one can drag'n drop them to change this order)

-new copy SLink button (+shortcuts) in the editor

-new insert SLink button (+shortcuts) in the editor

-new drag'n drop function to graphically move SLinks

-OSC StepLinks are now typed, it means one must specify if argument(s) is an int, a float or a string

-CURVES StepLinks now accept THRU (>) for outputs (in the same fashion as for channels)

  • Device Listing :

-one can now sort Device's order according to ID or Model or Channel

-one can now use massive Merge (by selecting several Devices before merge)

  • Palette Editor :

- one can now use empty command line for AtLevel shortcut in order to purge selected levels

  • Palette Listing :

- new 'Bound To' (editors) option in order to avoid opening Device Command

  • Chasers :

- CHZ_Cue management is now the same as for the main sequence... if one record CHZ_Cue 1.5, it'll land between CHZ_Cue 1 and CHZ_Cue 2

- Palette shortcut is now available in Chaser Editor

  • Curves :

- deepest interaction with the patch.... Output(s) assigned to a curve of the curveListing are now linked(was ist das schön).

- CurveEditor : one cane now select which curve is displayed (either from patch or from curveListing)

- Curves are now 16bits -POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY- (they need to be redrawn)

4.0.18 [20180124]

This release introduce SLinks.

One can send custom Midi or OSC messages per sequence's step. Thus, it allows D::Light to become the master sequencer of your show as it can trigger specific cues/steps in other software.

One can also load custom curves for output(s)/channel(s) on every steps of the sequence.

  • Patch:

-new 'quick select' option in order to select all outputs patched to selected channels

-new Channel/Output test shortcut

-speedUp display

  • Sample:

-smart +%/-% which only operate on recorded levels for selected channel(s) over a region or at one frame

  • Sequence:

-in the main sequence window, one can now arrange columns as desired

-new searchBox to quickly find a step/cue associated to a text

  • MasterLink/TimeLink/DeviceLink/StepLink Editor:

-one can now select active step

-more shortcuts

  • SubMaster Editor:

-one can now select active submaster

  • Curves:

-new design with more powerful editing

  • ShortCuts:

-new searchBox to quickly find a shortcut

  • Save/SaveAs:

-warning when directory is not writable

  • Force DeviceLink:

-one can now use FullForce new option and select which attributes will be recorded

  • Device:

-the main window should reflect active color for device. (it works for RGB or CMY colors only...)

  • General:

-selection style is now more obvious (yellow square is 'around' selected channels)

  • Palette Editor:

-one can move in Palette thanks to the new Up/Down switcher

  • Palette Listing:

-Colour Palette are now colored for EZ view


a miserable bug of the previous release leads to this one




available for almost every systems (Linux version will be uploaded ASAP... sorry guys for the looooong waiting)

  • E1.31 (aka streamingACN) is now available as a netDMX protocol
  • one can now use 16 DMX universe

Midi :

  • one can now use 'subStick' function for Midi Patch.

thus Midi faders will always be patched to displayed submasters

  • 'flashStick' is also available for the same purpose.

SubMasters :

  • added a new 'E' button as Exclusion.

thus AllSub master will not act on excluded submasters + various fix


2 new important stuff:

  • in Art-Net, DL no longer send continuously. it sends only on DMX change
  • in Patch, you can now "repeat" a Device. it's useful for playing with LedStrips

also, more work have been done on DeviceCommands... in the Palette Listing, you can now use the new "recycle" icon in order to load same channels as in the DeviceCommands.





  • on Windows, you should now be able to double-clic on .sho in order to launch DL and load desire sho
  • new SetUp I/O menu which group all DMX, USBDMX, NETDMX, MIDI and OSC function *new option to cross-patch dmx universes

DMX Input:

  • more accurate
  • new option to bound DmxInput to channels or SubMasters


  • new option to "repeat" DMX Levels for Devices (useful for led strips)

ArtNet :

  • you can now manually register Node's IP/Net/SubNet.
  • DL no longer send continuously packets.... it sends only on change.
  • new option in the Setup "Release FREEZE on Go".

allow user to freeze DMX state until the next GO (useful when one want to move in sequence without modifying stage)

Device Personality :

  • you can now import Personalities of the OFL project (Open Fixture Library)

(which at the time of writing is ).

  • you can hide Commands for Colours, Focus and Blade in order to display bigger values table.

Palette Editor:

  • you can now use At_level shortcut on selection of levels (multiple selection is allowed)


  • you can now choose to display only patched channels


No new function Only fixes


many changes to Artnet and dmxInput.


  • enable DMXInput for DMX USB PRO widgets and clone
  • enable DMXInput for ArtNet
  • adjustable DMX rate
  • better Artnet support
  • better support for looooong samples
  • plenty of little annoying stuff


  • new 'NoSolo' option for submaster:

it means that a submaster tagged as 'NoSolo' won't be closed during 'Solo' operation, it also means that it won't close any sub when it's flashed. you just need to clic 2 times on the solo option .

  • when 'Solo' operation , device's parameters are now untouched (except the INTENSITY/DIMMER parameter)
  • new 'ReSync' option for midi:

this function resend all midiOut levels. it's useful when you switch preset from the BCF2000

  • new option in the SETUP to bound MLink time and Timed submasters to Joystick: it means one can now speed up or down submasters opening/closing
  • import Sample extended:

you can now select in one shot several samples to import.

  • 'clone' is now available in the sample editor  :

it means you can copy selected channels levels to other(s) channel for a defined region or for a frame. This let you create enveloppe for channel and copy it to other channel.... yeah I know, this is huge!

  • import Chaser extended:

you can now select in one shot several chasers to import.


fix annoying reported bugs.


  • when cloning a device, one can now choose to clone source device's levels to destination devices's levels

(in palette, in sub, in micropalette)

  • more device merging subtilities

Pre 4.0.09

  • this one brings 'Gang Load' fashion to D::Light


extend the use of multiple selection in Cue/Group/Sample/Chasers Listing/Device Listing/Patch... you can now select several Chasers for example and load them to several submasters in one shot (thanks to drag n' drop) multiple selection have also been introduced for 'Remove' functions and 'Clone' functions.

  • you can now extract each submaster of the Gun Control (cf noGun option)
  • you can now set submasters config for a page of Sumaster (simply scroll the button down RecMLink button



Mainly bug fixes and better memory bandwidth management



This release will introduce microPalette.

what is a microPalette ?

microPalette handle one or several parameter(s) defined in the personality of a device, and only operate on a specific range defined by the user. microPalette are loaded in submasters and are executed in an exclusive mode for all selected devices that are registered within the submaster. for example, let's say devices are lighting ON with shutter open. you record a microPalette for SHUTTER parameter on the range 4 -> 128 that you load on submaster 1. when you'll open sub1, the shutter will start strobing form low to fast (if in the personality strobing form low to fast is registered in the range 4 -> 128). when you shutdown the submaster, the shutter will return to it's open state. it'll be veeeeeery useful for gigs

  • address patch issue when user use Shift key to extand selection for outputs
  • bug fixes and code cleaning


this release fix wrong behavior of 4.0.3 (sorry for the mess...)


  • speeding internal things (and cleaning)
  • import/export Samples (importing samples from old (v3 or v4beta) .sho is allowed)
  • better midi output (submaster's flash for example)
  • import/export Samples (importing samples from old (v3 or v4beta) .sho is allowed":


fix & improve curves for dimmers


available for every supported systems : Win7, Win8, Win10, Linux32Bits (Ubuntu 14.04), Linux64Bits (Ubuntu 16.04), ARCHLInux (always on the top), MacOS 10.6 thru 10.12 on MacOS, D::Light is linked against XQuartz 2.7.11 one of the main big thing is that D::Light is now a pay app... this move will hopefully be profitable for the software. the other big thing is that D::Light can now drive moving lights / LED lights. several improvements have been introduced for Chasers, Samples, user interface, drag'n drop, etc....



fix blackout/sceneMaster/grandMaster with devices that use 'virtual intensity for colours' parameter



  • refresh/balance available as OSC commands

/pad/refresh 1 /pad/balance 1

  • OSC message can bypass level's locking mechanism for /circ/level and /sub/level


  • better handling of DLink
  • fix some Devices stuff for sequence -you can now use "0" Tlink (==20ms)
  • you can now use "0" waitTime _ 5xfaster than 0.1

if you want to reset waitTimes to nothing (no autogo), set command line to . and use wait shortcut (or double clic in the waitTime column)

  • display Info when MLink or Tlink are recorded/updated

++ various fix


Hi, b73 is out for some platforms (aka MacOS from 10.9 to 10.12 (linked against XQuartz 2.7.10), Windows 64b and Linux 64b) the main big thing with this release is that D::Light became a paid app... I tried during 13 years to keep in free, but I cannot no more. So please make archive of your sho as there will be no return. news:

  • lots of bug fixes
  • manual xfade for devices
  • you can now call Palettes from the main window (manually (new setup option or drag the switcher under the keypad) or with shortcuts)
  • nice handling of palettes in submasters.
  • improve device mechanism for Chasers
  • new timing options for chasers

Pre 4.0.0.b-72

  • Samples are now LTP...

mean easier, lighter, smarter... it also means some serious incompatibility with existing sample... sorry for that but it's a necessary evil.

  • fix DLink is now also available in Chaser
  • add 'Virtual Intensity for Colours" in the Device Listing.

this new option let you control the Intensity of the device even when INTENSITY/DIMMer combo is not registered. usefull for LED RVB for example...

Pre 4.0.0.b-71

fix a miserable bug... news:

  • SampleListing now display Sample's length
  • you can change submaster's levels color (new setup option)

Pre 4.0.0.b-70

  • new purge utility for device attributes within Samples
  • 'device command' is now fully dedicated to sample's cause
  • better speed algorithm for stuff (aka sub_speed, joystick, general timing)
  • you can select devices directly in the 'palette Listing' window, as in the 'device commands' window
  • reorganization/colorization of 'device Commands' (in order to gain space and clarity)
  • add Ctrl+Arrow shortcut to select next channel and set it to default@Level

Pre 4.0.0.b-69

fix various wrong behavior

  • Devices:

added the possibility to define HOME position for parameters to NULL. in this case, HOME call will never operate on the nulled parameters. (useful in some case where LAMP OFF is set to 0... and you don't want to switch the lamp off each time you HOME the device).

Pre 4.0.0.b-68

  • added DND support for TLink and DLink in the chaser's editor
  • added DND support for Times in the chaser's editor (times can be DND for example from TimeIn to DelayOut, etc...)
  • added DND support for Cues in the chaser's editor
  • as for the sequence and other stuff you can now double-click in the TLink editor to set value
  • as for the Chaser's editor you can now DND Times in the Sequence editor in the way you want (eg from TimeIn to DelayOut, etc...)
  • Device's parameters now follow step times if INTENSITY is > 0 -fix for invPan/invTilt


Pre 4.0.0.b-67

  • added support for usb pro mk2 (revB) -added wait times to chaser editor $

FWIW, I've decided to clean OSC reader/writer messenger before the final release (and this is not a good news for you... ) I've changed: /circ/level x y (where x is the channel, y the level) /circ/prepalevel x y /sub/text x blabla /sub/level x y /sub/flash x y /sub/phase x y.y all the /subStick messages and also the /device ones for the devices it looks like /device s i i (string (/attribut/parameter), int (device numbr), int (value)) I know that all your pd patchs, touchOSC stuff, etc... won't work anymore, but it gain clarity and parsing efficiency.


bug fixes few words about the new 'Phase' ID for a submaster: one can freely navigate in a sample thanks to the new phase function. it starts at 0.0 and end at 1.0 (1.0 is the latest frame of the sample). so you can set a sub as Phase for a sample (like you did with Speed function), and you have 255 steps to navigate in the sample. I've also added OSC message (/sub/x/phase 0.0........1.0). thus, you have a huuuuuuge precise control over the sample's restitution. you can go forward, backward, loop inside, etc.....

Pre 4.0.0.b-66

nouveaux messages OSC: reception /pad/sub x (select sub) /pad/record 1 (like record shortcut) /pad/update 1 (like update shortcut) sending /seq/x1text (send text associated to step loaded in X1) /seq/x2text (send text associated to step loaded in X2) /sub/pageText (send text associated with the active sub page) /seq/go_signal 1 (send when GO is triggered) /seq/goback_signal 1 (send when GO is triggered) /seq/pause_signal 1 (send when GO is triggered) and for the Devices: each device will respond to : /device/x/attribut/paramater 0... 65536 where attribut is COLOR or FOCUS or EFFECT, etc.... and parameter are the ones recorded within the personality of the device each device will export his value to the same address


There's enough changes to make an update... I didn't finished all the clean though...

  • the main window has been polished to fit within small screen systems *you can sample devices
  • many many bug/trick fixes


mainly bug fixes and stuff improvements....


a miserable mistake on b61 leads to b62... mainly bug fixes and dep lib update


only for Win32, Win64, MacOS 10.11 (more OS to come later) mainly bug fixes.


freshly fresh for everyone, this beta fix several bugs or wrong behavior regarding Devices but also for the old fashion way...


  • in the palette listing one can now apply a palette to selected devices in one click (nice 4 live...)
  • in the palette listing, palettes are now categorized (faster display)
  • in the 'device command' panel, if a parameter have a definition, associated scroller are now bound to minLevel/maxLevel (nice 4 live...)


only 4 MacOS 10.6 -> 10.11


should fix some stuff... only for Linux64, MacOS 10.8 -> 10.11


mainly bug fixes.


should fix group removing/deletion different compilation options for win64


should fix usbDMX Pro on ElCapitan && Yosemite should fix group deletion should fix Chase load in sub I don't have issue while loading global palette in sub.


with this one you can load PALETTES in submasters. no drag'n drop yet.... you can choose which device that is include in a palette is processed. on MacOSX, linked against fresh XQuartz 2.7.8

Pre 4.0.0.b-50

Pre 4.0.0.b-49

Pre 4.0.0.b-48


lots of news coded during summer...

  • Device functions have been merged in a central window. This is now the start point for almost everything for Devices...
  • many things have been cleaned
  • Shift and Ctrl have been swapped (to massively select channel you now use Shift, to drag'ndrop a channel in a submaster to quickly inhib it, you now use Ctrl).


should fix reported bugs.

Pre 4.0.0.b-45

should fix:

  • record new sho (with permissions check on Linux) -artnet on Linux
  • strange and deep deep wrong behavior for devices

should also clarify selection in the TLink editor.


should fix:

  • warning when user do not have permissions to write files on Linux
  • weird things when repatching a device


should fix:

  • artnet on windows computers
  • help on linux computers
  • submasters (timed and inhib ones) that stay in Pause state. -some inappropriate behaviors

news: SHORTCUT : allow to delete previous binding when asking for an ever used key


ArtNet : restore network artPoll broadcast address (some node appears to not responding well over Devices :

  • fix a case where palettes levels were not honored for dlinks
  • add the possibility to select the same parameter for several Devices by clicking on the parameter's column header


  • shrink size of the packages


mainly bug fixes: CHANNEL TRACK: fix bug and faster code. please do some hardcore tests... MIDI: new LOADSTEPID_X2/X1 functions for ProgramChange

  • retrieve single channel inhib when dragging with Shift to a submaster -retrieve hour trigger
  • new remove function for MidiTimeCode editor
  • bug font fixed


mainly bug fixes


mainly bug fixes.


so here comes a new one basically with bug fixes. also I've tried to reduce size (height) to fit on low resolution screen I've worked on the setup regarding ArtNet and OLA (for them to work better) the BIG one is the new remote available with this release that we have designed with aroom (big thanx)


removed things: channelcheck definitely removed (use Patch functions for this purpose) Color Scroller definitely removed (use Devices functions for this purpose) news/update/fixes: Patch:

  • you can now select several channels, and if you give one dimmer, channels we be patched as list starting with the given dimmer.

(@mode exemple: CH 1 THRU 10 = 5 ENTER will patch ch 1 to dimmer 5, ch 2 to dimmer 6, etc...).

  • double click is available for check level


  • submaster that are in TIME mode and the little blue square of the sub is set, what's inside the submaster won't be touched by the Balance Mode


  • now inegrated to the setup.
  • more simple, more usefull, honor the broadcast/unicast mode, honor selected nodes to use in unicast mode.


  • there's now a little indicator close to the sub that show progression in case of MLink start or Times Start

Midi Time Code:

  • new inhib MTC function in the setup

+many various bug fixes



bug fix + should improve Help display. in @Mode, the Help in the windows now display allowed syntax


  • should improve TLink management
  • more/less OSC message for PATCH

(new remote is here : ) -keep on cleaning code....



  • should fix all errors reported for the b32 (except TLink that collapse, I've forgot....)


  • complete rewrite of this window.
  • the left part display channels, the right part display dimmers. D-Patch is the first address of patch for Devices
  • you can drag'n drop from channels to dimmers
  • you can select several dimmers like 1 + 2 Thru 10 + 20 + 44
  • the remote should not work anymore, let's try to write another one...

+ many many more little stuff that make life better



  • you can now double-clic on levels to set value

Channel Track:

  • you can now DND to death!!


  • better integration with DL

+bug fixes fews words:

  • DL seems stable enough now to cut off the release soon, I just need to re-write the patch window before the release.


  • le double clic pour les textes des subs
  • tcl/tk updaté
  • molette de la souris pour les valeurs des paramètres des devices ainsi que pour les masters SCENE/FlashMaster AllSubMasters
  • meilleur check des noms de palettes
  • ID pour le message OSC /seq/go
  • ascii improve file loading/recording
  • device attribute's editor are now able to display levels in % as well as Real Values
  • et les corrections de bug annoncés sur la b30


mainly bug fixes.


  • should fix Win64 package
  • Sequence : StepID

this is the big new stuff which allow you to register an 'identifiant (ID)' for a step.

Thus you can call the step thanx to new shortcuts stepID_load and stepID_goto where xxxx_load is used to set the ID for a step and xxxxx_goto is used to trigger the step there cannot be two stepID with the same number....

in the setup you can choose if MSC Load message is mapped with the cues (as before) or with the stepID

in OSC, two new messages : /seq/ID_goto and /seq/X2LoadAndFireID HourTrigger:

  • functions have been re-written

+bug fixes


Text: all text are now edited in place File name: DL should support exotic characters (at least the french ones) +should fix all reported bugs of the previous beta


new beta available for every supported systems (with the addition of Windows 64bits) ATTENTION: on MacOS 10.6_10.7, DL is built against XQuartz 2.7.7 (please update your server...) bug fixes release + new features: OLA:

  • the server have been updated to 0.9.5

Sequence :

  • the big sequence window is a whole new code with drag'n drop support for every parameters

Track :

  • now display DLinks associated to a channel for sequence's steps

OSC : new /sub/x/text message.

  • it's only an outgoing message that display text associated with subs. DL will not respond to this message


  • new MidiSwitch +/- bind available

Device :

  • Inverse Pan/Tilt now available in the Device's Listing



bug fixes + Channel Track has been re-write

  • more useful and Sequence selector added


  • available in channel Track
  • bug fixes in TimeGroup editor
  • add [DELETE] [CUE] xx.x [THRU] xx.xx


  • fixes on yosemite (thanx aroom)

+ many little stuff


mainly a bug fix with addition of:

  • in @mode and RPN, PALETTE will open the Palette Listing
  • 0 + Colour/Focus/Beam/etc... will set selected devices to Home values for selected attributes.


mainly bug fixes... new features:

  • Devices command's windows now reflect real values for movers all the times + some goodies...


Recapitulatifs par rapport à la b16 :

  • Grand Master : Ok
  • Black : Ok
  • Focus avec le Pad Ok
  • Plus de sho corrompu : Ok Memorisation des Focus :ok Patch : OK
  • Ce qui ne fct pas ou plus:
  • Multi sélection avec souris et touche " CTRL", c'est ok avec les commande "ch +"
  • prise en compte de valeur par défaut des devices (chez moi un Strobe qui devrai être à 255)

Au bout d'un moment de travail, les fenêtres ne passent plus en premier plan par l'appel au menu, lorsqu'elles sont ouvertes. donc il faut les sélectionner dans un coin apparent.

  • Les Cue FX ne mémorisent pas les canaux de devices.
  • Les clone de Cue, ne copient pas les canaux de devices
  • lorsqu'on clique sur le "DLINK" d'un STEP, on peut visiblement éditer les canaux individuellement, or ce ne fonctionne pas sur tous les canaux. (couleurs OK, mais STROBE, EFFECT...)

J'ai d'ailleurs pas réussi à "jouer" avec un canal "EFFET / MACRO", mais c'est peut être le device, faut que je vérifie. Les Dlink ne sont pas liés aux CUES, donc on ne peut pas les mettre dans un SUB. Pas systématique

  • Ne mémorise de temps en temps pas la couleur (donc dans certains CUE, et pas d'autres) <-- Ca c'est bizarre et pénible

je te joindrai le sho et le step où ça bloque. => ben aujourd'hui ce step et cette couleur ne bloque plus !=> A suivre

  • Sortie du logiciel pas toujours propre (fenêtres bloquées ouverte), mais ce ne m'est plus arrivé le lendemain.
  • J'ai eu deux fois une fermeture inopinée lorsque je faisais des manip. avec les 4-5 fenêtres ouvertes (Focus, Beam, Couleur, Listing), sans perte de données, recul. avec menu "backup".


Pre 4.0.0.b18


mainly a bug fix.


Pre 4.0.0.b16

  • SUB_SPEED are reset to 50% in case of gun shot
  • moving light's attributes have been redispatched, new BEAM family
  • palette listing now reflect available palette for selected channels.
  • Colour and Focus window now display parameters levels for each selected Devices (along with the active palette's name)


available for Windows, MacOS 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 bug fixes only...


bug fixes only... should address:

  • not patched channels -X1/X2 crash



  • fix a bug with the 'Personality Editor'
  • benefit from the compiler analyzer (lots of optimizations)
  • fix Sample recording
  • new 'Balance' function to isolate selected channel as long as Balance is ON

maybe I'll repeat myself but It's important to test these beta in order to stabilize the first 4.0.0 in order to release it.

my goal is to have a bullet proof release as the 3.0.24

moving lights code will be part of this release as an experimental feature.


it's a big step forward as it introduce concept/basics for moving light, Leds, and whatever you need in D::Light.

Specifically it introduces 'DLinks' wich are more or less (actually less than more) like MLinks but for registered devices.

DLinks acts like this:

  • you set all parameters you need for devices (with palette it's better)
  • you record a cue and DLinks are attached to the step that contain the cue
  • you can edit/modify/create/remove DLinks form the editor wich is available (for now... I've forget to set an option in the menus....) by click on the corresponding column in the sequence.
  • when DLink are loaded in X2, if the channel is black they're processed (this behavior is called GO_IN_B on some ligthdesk)
  • this is a special feature of DL: when a channel under TGroup control is fading to black, if DLink attached to next step is referring to this channel, parameters are processed.

it fits very well for theater I think....

  • DLinks are not attached to cues, cues only contain Dimmer Parameter of devices (if they exists) -editors (like GROUP, CUE, SUB) does not deal with devices parameters.

Pre 4.0.0.b9




  • a new beta is available for macOS >= 10.8 and Windows (if you want the other builds, just ask.) here's a non-finished list of modifications:
  • move CONTROL command
  • add HOME command
  • add Palette Macro function to set preferences for Palette recording
  • add Palette recording/updating functions
  • add Palette listing and editor
  • added +/-1 option for FOCUS commands
  • add the ability to use CTRL in the BLADE commands in order to scroll both Blade or Fine Balde
  • in the setup, add an option fro automagically switch to Device board at loading time

about Device Editor:

  • rename it to Device Personnality Editor
  • change internal display (need to rewrite personnality files... sorry)
  • add a column to define if a parameter must be activate temporary (eg: Lamp On/Off needs to go to xx level then goback to 0)

attached a model of devices for the device editor.

I think it's robust now and you can build Personality based on the attached example.

Pre 4.0.0.b6

  • move CONTROL command
  • add HOME command
  • add Palette Macro function to set preferences for Palette recording add Palette recording/updating functions
  • added +/-1 option for FOCUS commands
  • add the ability to use CTRL in the BLADE commands in order to scroll both Blade or Fine Balde in the setup, add an option fro automagically switch to Device board at loading time

about Device Editor:

  • rename it to Device Personnality Editor
  • change internal display (need to rewrite personnality files... sorry)
  • add a column to define if a parameter must be activate temporary (eg: Lamp On/Off needs to go to xx level then goback to 0)


  • add a new 'Extra Dimmer as Intensity' column to the Device listing of the sho. It's usefull for Device that do not handle Intensity attribute.
  • add a merging mechanism to swap registered device model with another one. it'll be usefull when Palette will be coded but the purpose is to be able to switch between device when in tour you do not have the same device as at the creation.
  • from the main board you can access to several windows for (few for now) commands add CONTROL command for Lamp On/Off
  • add FOCUS command for Pan(Fine)/Tilt(Fine)
  • add BLADE command

in the FOCUS and Blade windows you can hold CTRL to scroll FINE or scroll BOTH parameters I think you'll need to to rebuild your devices template as the one provided because all parameters you want to use must be set

all library have been updated

Pre 4.0.0.b5

  • add a new 'Extra Dimmer as Intensity' column to the Device listing of the sho add a merging mechanism to swap registered device model with another one
  • add CONTROL command for Lamp On/Off add FOCUS command for Pan(Fine)/Tilt(Fine) add BLADE command
  • updated libs
  • join Alpha Profile 800 && ADB Warp model as example say that Parameters fields must be set....


Avec cette beta, j'arrive à controler les couleurs du PAR via le ColourPanel le circuit de la fenêtre principale représente le paramètre DIMMER des devices

  • donc de la nouveauté dans le colourpanel où si le(s) devices sélectionnées ont plus de 3 couleurs, des scrollers de niveaux apparaissent en bas de la fenêtre
  • rajout des cases CMY
  • refonte des presets de couleurs (pour mémoire: left-clic = selection de couleur, un deuxième clic permet de nommer la couleur, Ctrl+clic permet d'enregistrer la couleur active)

donc si vous avez listés/patchés des devices, que vous les sélectionnez depuis la fenêtre principale, vous devriez pouvoir controler les couleurs depuis le colourPanel. on ne peut pas encore enregistrer de cues avec des valeurs de couleurs ni charger des trucs dans les subs, ni rien.... petit à petit ça avance. aussi pour ceux qui possèdent un ultraDMX RDM Pro merci de me dire si il fonctionne mieux avec cette beta. après réflexions nocturnes je me dis que c'est pas bien de mettre les valeurs de HOME dans la librairie, qu'il vaudrait mieux définir ces valeurs dans le 'Device Listing'... où pourrait également apparaitre des champs comme 'Inverse Pan' et 'Inverse Tilt'...


this one bring the Device Listing where you can import Device Files to your sho. please be carefull not having neither Manufacturer nor Model set as '*' '-' on Win32 leads to nothing good... in order to patch the imported device, you click on the Dimmer or Channel cell, it pop up a big dimmer view. use Ctrl+'move the mouse' to set the dimmer Range. once dimmer range is set, you type the channel number you want to assign the device and use 'c' (like in channel) to process the patch. you can use 0 channel to release a previous patch without removing a device


this one should address reported bugs of the previous one


voici la premiere béta d'une longue série qui devrait aboutir sur une proposition d'utilisation des projecteurs à LED, projecteurs asservis. ça sera sans doute assez long étant donné le chantier, néanmoins voici une première proposition.... cette beta ne comprends qu'un module de création de librairie de projecteur. dans l'ordre pour las suivantes:

  • assignation des projecteurs dans un sho de DL en fonction de la librairie existante -fonctions d'accès aux paramètres
  • création/gestion de palette

D::Light v3


build system is slightly different from previous releases. now we have :

  • MacOS 10.6/10.7 build linked against XQuartz 2.7.4
  • MacOS 10.8/10.9 build linked against XQuartz 2.7.5
  • and the good old Win32, Linux32, Linux64 releases on Linux and MacOS, every lib have been updated

here come the news....:


  • on each supported platform (eg MacOS && Linux), OLA is up to date with their GIT repository


  • new concept for this function : from the main board, place the mouse on the channel's number (the white one), hold Shift and drag it to a submaster.

thus the submaster switch to INHIB mode and is loaded with a -non-editable- content that is called VOID. you can load one or several channels. it's intended to be a quick access to inhib function. the old method is still functional. GENERAL:

  • windows size and position should adapt to current screen size


  • with this release you can list and select 3D visualizer (Capture Polar for ex) as a node to stream DMX to it.


  • a confirmation is now asked when you click on the script button that set factory's connections.



  • on each supported platform (eg MacOS && Linux), OLA is up to date with their GIT repository


  • new concept for this function : from the main board, place the mouse on the channel's number (the white one), hold Shift and drag it to a submaster.
  • thus the submaster switch to INHIB mode and is loaded with a -non-editable- content that is called VOID.
  • you can load one or several channels.
  • it's intended to be a quick access to inhib function. the old method is still functional.


  • windows size and position should adapt to current screen size


  • with this release you can list and select 3D visualizer (Capture Polar for ex) as a node to stream DMX to it.


  • a confirmation is now asked when you click on the script button that set factory's connections.



  • less message for channels (eg only when their values are changing)


  • new option for sequence typo
  • bug fixes...


new beta phase with:

  • bug fixes (at least more error checks)
  • MidiTimeCode improved


I'm proud to announce the 3.0.22 release of D::Light. It's available for each supported platforms (macOS 10.6->10.9, windows, Linux 32b, Linux 64b). On MacOSX, it's linked against XQuartz 2.7.5 ( many bugs fixed.... News:

  • MIDI TIMECODE: code improved


  • less and better verbose


  • new typo function for sequence display
  • please consider making donations if you think this software is useful.