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DL4 request

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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8859 par nomatter
Réponse de nomatter sur le sujet DL4 request
Thanks for all answers.

colinc écrit: Hello,

nomatter écrit: ... And a list of all OSC command sent and received; I've casually found X1 and X2ActiveCue that I was going to ask);


It's still not complete. There is not reference to X1ActiveCue that I found very useful.

colinc écrit: Hello,

nomatter écrit: - Independent Channel or Submaster (channel which are not recorded in cues or submasters. Eg. when I'm checking memories and I need to have House lights on I don't want they are stored. Avab Presto! and ETC Smartfade have it);

You solved an old clue of mine: what this color and square are for? Thanks thanks a lot.
And what exactly are for cyan and purple buttons near the little square to save from killing?

colinc écrit: Hello,

Hope this helps,



Very much,

all the best,


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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8865 par sl1200mk2
Réponse de sl1200mk2 sur le sujet DL4 request

colinc wrote:
nomatter wrote:
... And a list of all OSC command sent and received; I've casually found X1 and X2ActiveCue that I was going to ask);


It's still not complete. There is not reference to X1ActiveCue that I found very useful.

please feel free to update the list.



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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8866 par sl1200mk2
Réponse de sl1200mk2 sur le sujet DL4 request

And what exactly are for cyan and purple buttons near the little square to save from killing?

it's Pause function for Timed submasters



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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8913 par sl1200mk2
Réponse de sl1200mk2 sur le sujet DL4 request
done exactly with the behavior you've described.... witch is cleaver
an inhib sub without the *not under gun control* option check loose it state after a reboot.
an inhib sub with the *not under gun control* option check save it state after a reboot.


Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Wilf

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il y a 10 ans 3 mois - il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8931 par Chgrovink
Réponse de Chgrovink sur le sujet DL4 request
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 3 mois par Chgrovink.

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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8932 par boeckel
Réponse de boeckel sur le sujet DL4 request
A small documentation to start :-)

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