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problem with cue order in sequence

  • homesepia
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il y a 14 ans 7 mois #975 par homesepia
Réponse de homesepia sur le sujet Re:problem with cue order in sequence
merci four your time, I will try downloading new DL and starting all from begining...

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il y a 14 ans 7 mois #976 par sl1200mk2
i'm absolutely confused.....


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  • homesepia
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il y a 14 ans 7 mois #977 par homesepia
Réponse de homesepia sur le sujet Re:problem with cue order in sequence
I found it !

That happens when there are no more empty steps in secuence.

For creating a new show, I use to open an old one and erase all FXs, groups and steps. By this way I keep shortcuts and background color, and each new cue I record DL loads on a new step. But then when re-opening the show and adding new cues, it keeps always the last step on last position and adds the new ones before that.

I see that when making a new show, there are 20 empty steps at the begining and DL automaticaly adds an empty one each time a new cue is recorded. In this case, there's no problem with cue order.

You can try it recording for example two cues in a new show, deleting then steps 3-20, saving it, closing and re-opening it and then trying to add new cues.

Hope it helps...


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il y a 14 ans 7 mois #978 par sl1200mk2
bien joué, i would never find it by myself !!!



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il y a 14 ans 6 mois #1010 par bdt
Réponse de bdt sur le sujet Re:problem with cue order in sequence

Yes I have the same problem.
When I record a new Cue, it is automatically inserted at a wrong step in the sequence.
I have to remove this step, go to the right place, and then insert a new step and affect the new Cue.

J'ai le même probleme.
Quand je crée un nouveau Cue à un endroit donné dans ma conduite, DL l'insère automatiquement ailleurs (hier c'était sur mon Step 12 systématiquent).
Il fallait que je remonte à cet endroit (Step 12) pour l'effacer, puis revenir là où j'en étais, inserer mon step et y affecter mon Cue.

Macbook C2d, OSX 10.5.8, DL2.2, Enttec USBDMX PRO.

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il y a 14 ans 6 mois #1011 par sl1200mk2
as-tu essayé avec la 2.3 ?



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